Global Minimum Tax

We can help to simplify your tax reporting process. BEPS Pillar 2 requires a holistic data management approach to accurately reflect your tax position in the financial statements.

We can provide you with an out-of-the-box solution that complies with the requirements and enables you to strategically navigate tax planning for effective decision-making.


Benefits of an integrated
Global Minimum Tax solution

Comply on time
  • Accelerate your Pillar 2 compliance journey with an out-of-the-box solution including built-in calculations and standard reports.
  • Country-by-country reporting.
  • Manage the process with a workflow ensuring control and governance.
  • Full audit logs ensuring data and process transparency.
Harmonise disparate data sets
  • Automate data collection from multiple sources capturing all required data points per legal entity.
  • Integrate tax management and financial close and consolidation.
  • Empower users to map, manage, and align data, supporting Pillar 2 requirements.
Perform complex global calculations
  • Assess the impact of Pillar 2 at a local and group level.
  • Guide tax planning using scenario modelling capabilities, enabling more informed decision-making.
  • Navigate the complexities (IIR, ETR etc.) of Pillar 2 with a solution built to simplify the end-to-end process.
Enable faster reporting
  • Create disclosures using pre-defined templates.
  • Combine narrative with numbers through dynamic Microsoft Office integration, enabling automatic preparation of regulatory reports and board packs.
  • Flexible drag and drop web-based reporting to quickly retrieve data for increased analysis.
Take the first step
Connect with us to explore how we can help transform your finance function today!
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